Let’s be honest, computers are some of the most annoying items in the home, yet we rely on them hugely for many daily tasks like banking, shopping and emailing. Two of the main causes for the frustration is the speed of them or because it seems to do its own thing. When we switch on a computer we expect it to behave in the way that it did the last time, but all too often it doesn’t. It seems as if the computer has its own personality and its constantly changing. The fact is that computers DO have a mind of their own and regularly update themselves and therefore the way in which they work also changes from time to time. Yes, you can turn updates off, but then you are leaving your computer open to security threats, which can then cause even more headaches, so unfortunately this part of computing is set to stay.

The speed of the computer is another story. There are options to get back the speed that your computer had when you purchased it. The easiest and most affordable option to speed up older computers is to install additional memory. This is not the hard drive space where your files, photos and music are stored, but the RAM (temporary memory) which helps runs the programs on the computer. All computers have multiply programs and services running in the background which all use up the RAM memory. When you try and start a new task like checking your email then the computer has to use some more of the memory, but if this memory is being used by the other programs and services then your email program will take ages to load up. Sound Familiar? The answer to this is to install more memory. Prices start from as little as £20 + VAT plus installation for a stick of RAM and can dramatically increase your computer’s ability to open programs quickly.

Linked to the above task is to remove some of the programs and services which are opening up on your computer to release some of the memory being used. A good way to do this is to uninstall all of the programs from your computer which you no longer use. There could be an old email program that you used to use which can go or a game which your kids no longer play, these programs could be running tasks which are slowing your computer down, and might even stop some of those pesky updates popping up as well.

If you require help, information or advice regarding your computer then please phone JMV Solutions Ltd – Your Local IT Support Company on 01626 821160 or visit https://jmv-solutions.co.uk