Businesses are utilising IT more and more in the everyday running of things. And here at JMV we are committed to helping businesses from Exeter and Devon to embrace these technologies however, new technologies that could benefit your business are emerging everyday so here are the top 5 things to achieve from your IT in 2023.

Next-gen online security

The number of US organisations reporting cyberattacks climbed by over 7% over the prior year, while attacks causing more than $25,000 in damage jumped from 34% to 40%, according to the Hiscox Cyber Preparedness Report 2022. This accurately mirrors evidence from around the world, which demonstrates that cyber attacks are increasing in number, potency, and harm.

While the bulk of cyber attacks can be successfully thwarted by the “signature-based” cyber defence systems utilised by most businesses today, some of the more sophisticated threats call for more sophisticated security measures.

“Next-generation” cyber security solutions are able to check for unusual activity and take prompt, decisive action with the goal of stopping hackers in their tracks by utilising AI, machine learning, and behavioural psychology. XDR (extended detection and response) platforms are one example. These platforms provide full-environment security oversight and governance spanning the numerous locations modern enterprises keep data, including public cloud, private cloud, hybrid, and on-premise settings. These systems allow for the automation of response activities and include live threat analysis capabilities that enable the real-time tracking of suspicious activity in order to take preventative measures.

If your company deals with a lot of sensitive or confidential data, it would be a good idea to talk to your IT provider about next-generation cyber protection.

AI and Automation

Both automation and artificial intelligence are current buzzwords in business technology, each of which promises the efficiency advantages that are so desired in today’s corporate world.

While voice recognition, smart appliances, and grammar checks are already prevalent in consumer technology, artificial intelligence hasn’t yet had a significant impact on traditional workplaces—until now. With the desire to learn more about its potential, AI today finds a place in almost every corporate area, from focused marketing to market forecasting tools to predictive security.

Similar to how customer support procedures are being streamlined, business process automation is increasingly widely used, with numerous applications including employee onboarding and expense processing. There is probably automation available to handle any time-consuming, mundane administrative duty.

Be sure your IT partner can assist you in 2023 as you look at ways to automate and incorporate AI into your company processes.

Internet of things (IoT)

Devices for the internet of things (IoT) are physical objects with sensors that frequently link wirelessly to networks to transmit data. Certain IoT devices have computing capability that enables them to carry out actions on their own.

IoT gadgets, such as digital thermostats, smart speakers, and smart doorbells, have become more prevalent in household settings over the past ten years. Its use has becoming more common in corporate contexts as well, with sectors including transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare leading the way. Your team’s burden could be greatly reduced and considerable efficiency gains could be made by integrating IoT devices into your network.

The value of IoT devices is demonstrated by remote patient monitoring. Healthcare professionals can focus on the most pressing issue at hand since smart gadgets are able to monitor patient welfare around-the-clock. The use of inventory tracking systems and wireless scanning tools together with IoT devices has a significant impact on logistics, streamlining fulfilling procedures and reducing human error.

IoT deployments should be able to be orchestrated by your IT provider to improve your company’s operations. Additionally, they should provide support for such devices and guarantee that the necessary security measures are in place to mitigate the cyber dangers that such devices may pose.

Budget-conscious solutions

According to SWZD’s 2023 “State of IT” study, 45% of small businesses are already preparing for a possible recession. 43% of those who are taking preparation steps list “cutting non-essential spending” as one they have already done or are looking into.

Cost-cutting initiatives are anticipated to continue in 2023 given the challenging global economic environment, and many organisations will look to their IT systems for possibilities to cut costs. As a result, there is increased pressure on IT service providers to find and implement cost-effective solutions and guarantee optimum availability in order to protect revenue streams. Technology can be optimised for business purposes in the following ways:

  • Discontinuing the use of costly-to-maintain legacy programs in favor of more flexible and affordable cloud-hosted SaaS alternatives.
  • Exploring more affordable business broadband options.
  • Taking advantage of business insight tools to extract value and insights from previously unexploited data.
  • Exploring options for remote work to reduce pressure on office space.
  • Migrating to a VoIP phone system to take advantage of the maintenance and call cost savings on offer.


IT shouldn’t be expensive, and there are many platforms and solutions available that don’t have to be. In 2023, make sure your IT provider can demonstrate return on investment for each project and that the technology they provide are accommodating of your financial limitations.

We assist Exeter and Devon businesses in maximising their use of technology

It is important for all businesses to embrace technology as it can make their business run so much smoother and more efficiently. So, if you own a business based in Exeter or Devon and would like any assistance with any of these technologies or anything else to do with IT please contact us today.