With the need that nearly all organisations have on technology in today’s modern world, IT assistance is crucial in assisting firms in growing. SME businesses in particular may gain a lot from excellent IT support, not the least of which is how it can aid in business growth. SME enterprises typically have limited access to resources such as time, capital, and knowledge. In this article, we examine the part IT support plays in a company’s expansion and offer two concrete instances of how managed IT support can keep a business productive even as it expands.

How IT support enhances business expansion

IT assistance may help a firm thrive by offering a strong foundation on which to build when used wisely. This is due to the fact that managing and maintaining a company’s IT network and infrastructure is one of the key duties of any IT support provider. A company’s IT infrastructure does more than just let employees send and receive emails and store data.

How well a company maintains its IT infrastructure affects how quickly, by whom, and with what level of difficulty or ease tasks may be completed. It controls how frequently individuals can and cannot work, which is more important than how much uptime or downtime a network suffers. It has a significant impact on the time and financial expenses associated with upgrading software, bringing on new users, or adopting totally new technologies and procedures.

In other words, a company’s use of technology is only as effective as the network it operates on, and badly managed IT networks will impede corporate expansion. On the other hand, a well-managed IT network can promote growth by streamlining daily operations and offering a foundation for a corporation to expand upon.

To aid in the management of their IT networks, many firms are turning to managed IT support services. Businesses may be guaranteed that a team of professionals is taking care of their IT by outsourcing this duty to an IT firm. This frees up their time and energy so that they can concentrate on expanding the firm using a technology foundation that was wisely created to support expansion, free from disruptions brought on by a problematic network. The efficient operation of everything depends on IT assistance, which is why it is crucial to fostering business expansion.

How IT support increases productivity

Increasing employee productivity is essential to an organisation’s overall growth in both large and small enterprises. While trying to maximise revenues while minimising overhead expenditures, it is extremely crucial. Businesses are already able to accomplish this thanks to technology, but if you invest extensively in technology, it’s crucial to hire someone to manage it and train your workers to use it as well. The productivity of the workers can be increased by providing support and assistance with any day-to-day problems or inquiries that may come up.

Sadly, it is inevitable that your workers will run into issues or go through some downtime while working. Nonetheless, it is essential to have the appropriate assistance available when this occurs to guarantee that disruptions are kept to a minimal and are remedied fast. The longer your employees is inconvenienced by technology that isn’t functioning properly, the less time they have to devote to their jobs and support the expansion of the company. Although it’s not usually taken into account, the promptness and response time when handling technological problems can have a significant impact on corporate growth.

A managed IT service will investigate any underlying reasons or emerging trends in addition to quickly resolving any such problems. This research can guarantee that long-term fixes are implemented, hence minimising later downtime. This maintains employment, increases productivity, and once more exemplifies how IT assistance benefits corporate expansion.

A proactive IT support provider should also be able to anticipate and fix problems with your IT network before they become more serious. In doing so, you can reduce conflict within your own team by giving the management of your IT infrastructure to a qualified team of technicians and engineers. Staff can carry out their daily responsibilities with little disruption when supported by a well-managed IT network and have access to technical support when needed, which will help your business develop.

Two technological advancements that can boost growth right away

Your internet connection and phone system are two concrete upgrades that your IT support firm should be able to help you with, in order to promote business growth. These are two areas that will aid growth right away, even though they might both be viewed as “low hanging fruit” and something that many firms have previously addressed.

In most circumstances, we’d recommend that a firm invests in a leased line internet connection. As this connection is solely for your company, it offers faster speeds and more dependability. Service Level Agreements, which guarantee that you always have the performance you need, are another advantage of leased lines. Because so many companies now depend on the internet, a leased line is essential to a company’s expansion. Given that the majority of businesses require a reliable connection in order to function, we think it’s crucial to make a prudent investment in a dependable internet service. In turn, similar to IT support, this link will enable your workers to carry out their duties without being held back by poor connections or outages.

Similar to the previous example, a company’s phone system frequently has a significant impact on how successfully that organisation grows, largely because we still all rely on phone conversations. In today’s fiercely competitive world, a faulty line or dropped calls might mean the difference between yourself and a competition. An outdated, antiquated technology can provide customers a bad experience. While some people may not think of telephones as being a part of their IT setup, VoIP—the practise of operating phones over the internet as a standard—can constitute a very crucial element of your network given how frequently it is likely to be utilised.

JMV’s Solution

Here at JMV we understand that you are not able to grow as efficiently without the use of reliable, specialist IT Support. Here at JMV we can supply this IT Support for you and your business helping your business to grow. So, if you are a business that needs IT Support based in and around Exeter or Plymouth then please get in contact with us today and we can help you to achieve a more affordable IT Support system.