Who is Lloyd-Baker?

Established in 1971, Lloyd-Baker & Associates provide a superior, tailored M&A consultancy service to corporate executives and business owners alike

Our Experience

When Lloyd-Baker were feeling let down by their previous IT Company, an advertisement in a local magazine led them to us.

How did you first hear about JMV, and what made you decide to use us?

“When I first came to the business we’d been through a couple of IT guys who were local, through word of mouth. They were not very personable, very head down and non-communicative, so we started looking out for someone else. JMV had an advert in a local magazine called The Cottage, and he then came to see us. It was the first time we’d met someone who was “human” from the IT world!”

What challenges did you encounter before JMV and why were these detrimental to the business?

“Because we do an awful lot of internet-based research, we are sometimes a victim of malicious attacks; our anti-virus software was not really up to the job. We’d also started to ramp up the volume of data we hold, which was taking its toll on our server.”

What does JMV do for you?

“Without our system up and running constantly that creates issues for us. We need someone who’s on the IT pretty much full time and as a small business, we can’t afford to have somebody to do that, so it made sense to outsource it. We’ve moved to the Cloud, and all of our systems are safe from downtime and cyber attacks.”

What benefits has the move made to your business?

“James has grown the business and has developed a great team around him. There is always someone on the other end of the phone to have a look and fix an issue there and then. If they can’t fix it there and then, they’ll raise a ticket, investigate it further and swiftly come back to us. But, I’m pleased to say in 9 times out of 10 it’s fixed straight away!”

“Previous IT providers had not been personable and weren’t a fit. JMV have a very human approach, which resonated with us immediately. Our businesses have grown alongside one another – with JMV supporting our needs as we continue to develop.”

Cathy Lyne / Associate & Office Manager

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Why choose JMV solutions?

Since 2012, JMV Solutions has provided IT Support for a wide range of small and medium-sized businesses throughout Devon and Cornwall. Our company is formed of a personable, friendly and expert team of IT and Security experts that have your best interests at heart. We protect your business, and your valuable data, and help sustain your compliance requirements against a rapidly growing cyber threat. Contact us today to learn more.