I’m experiencing disconnections / dropouts with my broadband, what can I do?

There are many things that can disrupt the broadband signal and cause a dropout so before phoning you Internet Provider try the following:

  1. If you are on wireless try a cabled connection to your router box where possible. If it is stable on the cable – the problem is wireless interference.
  2. Try to plug your router into the test socket. It’s hidden behind the face plate of your master BT socket usually on the right hand side. Its not the easiest thing to do but its worth doing to check if the internal wiring is causing the issue.
  3. Try changing the DSL micro filter, you should have received a spare with your router.
  4. If you have an old router then plug it in and see if that works.
  5. You can also try disconnecting any additional services connected to the phone line like fax machine, Sky Box, Red Care alarm, Credit Card terminal/Paying Device, etc…, to avoid any possible interference coming from these devices.
  6. Reset the router to defaults. Usually this involves pressing a small (almost hidden button) with a pen tip or similar for 5-25 seconds. Only do this if you do not have special settings in your router otherwise you will loose those settings.

Failing all of the above you have done exactly what your internet provider would ask of you and therefore the fault is not with your equipment. Now is the time to phone your internet provider and tell them that you have tried all of the ‘usual tests’ so can they do a ‘Full line Test’. A Full line test involves your provider hanging up, carrying out the test and then phoning you back. They should then guide you through the resolution.

If all of these steps and points don’t help then BT will have to send out an engineer. If they find a fault outside of your house, they shouldn’t charge you.

I know that this is can be  time consuming and daunting, therefore if you need assistance then please do not hesitate to contact your Local IT Company, we are here to help; JMV Solutions 01626 821160.