Many company owners don’t want the hassle of running an IT department or can’t afford to hire a whole IT department. Although some people manage without it, outsourcing is more common.

Turning over some or all of your IT infrastructure to a third-party company is known as outsourcing IT. Businesses that lack the funds or capacity to house an internal IT department may want to think about outsourcing their IT requirements. At JMV we can help by taking on some of this outsourced IT Support. So if you are a business based in or around Exeter and Plymouth please read on to find out how you could benefit from outsourcing IT Support.

Why outsourcing is the answer

A lower cost of operation

Creating an internal IT department to serve a growing business can be quite expensive. An IT professional will still have knowledge gaps even with years of experience and a salary of £45k or more. Knowledge gaps, illness, vacations, and after-hours circumstances won’t be as likely to affect your business when you outsource your IT because you’ll have access to a larger team with a variety of expertise.

More time to run your business

If you handle your IT infrastructure on your own, you’ll probably squander time that could be used to implement better business plans. You can save time by outsourcing your IT support and giving the difficult task to a reliable business.

Take advantage of the latest technology

Maybe you have a fundamental grasp of computers, but how up to date is your IT knowledge? Outsourced IT providers have access to the most latest knowledge because they are industry experts and can help your business take advantage of new technology and trends.

Improve your productivity

By distributing the IT tasks among your present team, you might believe that you are saving money. In reality, you’re probably not getting as much done as you’d like to since your productivity is declining. Let your present personnel to focus on their primary duties rather than depending on them to tackle IT difficulties while an outsourced IT team gives you the knowledge you need to handle problems as they arise.

Outsourcing can pose risks

There are always risks in life. It’s critical to consider these factors before outsourcing your IT needs.

The loss of control over your data

Giving your sensitive information to a third party is always a risk because you never know for sure what will happen to it. If you keep information within, you have better control over where and how it is handled. Make sure the outsourced supplier you choose conforms with industry standards and best practises for data security to reduce this risk.

Outsourcing IT functions that are complicated

Working with an outsourced IT provider may be challenging at first if your company’s IT infrastructure is very complex. This challenge can be overcome with some time, some patience, and a capable IT supplier. Be aware that you might start out a little slowly if your function is complex.

Losing ownership of your IT infrastructure

Even though this is a rather uncommon problem, choosing a trustworthy business will help you avoid it. Be aware of service providers who might introduce their own hardware or software under your contract and then demand its back.

Choosing an IT provider

How do you choose the finest selection from all the available choices? The following 4 important factors should be taken into account before you decide:

The providers track record

Case studies and success stories should be used to illustrate the suitability of the suppliers for your business. You might also want to look at endorsements and references. You can evaluate them based on these by using them.

The range of services they provide

Some suppliers provide comprehensive service, meaning they can handle all of your cloud and IT needs. Yet, other people might be able to help you with additional technology-related puzzle parts. It is essential to carefully consider your needs and make sure the service you choose is able to meet them before making a decision.

Their response time

Several factors could cause your network to fail, preventing both your consumers and staff from contacting you. High-quality service providers can help you avoid this, but they also need to respond quickly in the event of an incident to minimise risks and keep your business running.

Security and Backup

Protecting your data from hackers is one of the most important things a provider can do for you. To combat malicious software, they must promote robust security procedures including endpoint security.

They must use backup software if you want to be able to restore your data in the event of a breach. If you put in place a fail-safe backup system and strategy, you can operate your business with more assurance.

While price is an important consideration when choosing an IT support provider, even if it means paying more, you must also make sure they are the greatest fit for your business. By offering superior knowledge, specialised services, and awareness of potential threats, a respectable organisation can help you stay one step ahead of the competition.

JMV’s Solution

Here at JMV we understand that your IT infrastructure can be a very time consuming thing to keep up and running perfectly. We also understand that having an employee that is constantly devoted to doing this is not always possible and can be expensive. Here at JMV we can be that devoted employee but for a much more affordable price. So, if you are a business that needs IT Support based in and around Exeter or Plymouth then please get in contact with us today and we can help you to achieve a more affordable IT Support system.